Monday, July 23, 2007


Saturday at the market was just okay – not great. The weather was beautiful and the market was pretty busy, but I only sold a fair amount. I am wondering if people are gravitating towards all the fruits and vegetables. The Zucchini Bread went well, although I did head many people say they had made zucchini bread that week. I think this week I am going to cut down on my quantities which will cut down on my costs and hopefully the time it takes me to make things.

Too much information

I don’t know if it is just that I look approachable or selling baked goods at a Farmers Market puts you in the same category as a bar tender or if some people just don’t have filters, but I find that people just tell me the craziest things!! I have to admit most of the time I find it entertaining, but this weekend I heard some strange and almost disturbing stories from people purchasing my bread. Was there a full moon?

1 comment:

Brenda said...

U should relay some of those stories...Farmer's Market Diaries. It could be a best seller?!