Sunday, July 29, 2007

All was well

I am going to preface this entry by saying I was tired this weekend and reactions are always stronger when you are tired right?

Friday evening I picked up Harry Potter 7. As I had previously mentioned I had wanted to reread the other 6 books to experience the story as a whole. Finishing the 6th book on Wednesday, I gave myself 48 hours before beginning the 7th (I needed to get some stuff done and I knew if I had the book the temptation would be too great.) I arrive home around 10 pm and started the book. An hour or so later and 175 pages into the book I went to bed, kind of sad and disappointed. I had expected the book to be dark, but not like this. I went to bed thinking, well I want to know what happens to everyone, so I’ll keep reading, but I am not too excited. Thankfully the book takes a turn. The next morning I took the book with me to the farmers market and got some decent reading done (the only good thing about that morning.) By this point I was hooked.

I got home around 2 pm and settled in on my couch to finish the book. About 100 pages from the end I started to cry. Now being moved to tears by a book is nothing new, in first grade I cried when my teacher read Charlotte’s Web out loud to the class. I cried reading HP 5 and HP 6. But reading the last 100 pages of HP7 was more then just a few tears. There were points in the story that I had to put the book down due to the fact that I was sobbing inconsolably, those gut wrenching sobs that are usually reserved for the most emotional of times leaving you feeling empty and in my case with a terrible headache. For some reason the climax of this story and the emotions of the characters whom I have grown to love over the years hit me so strongly. Now I am sure you are thinking I am a bit crazy, and I would agree. It was just a book, it was not real life and to be honest, I was pleasantly surprised at outcome. There was no need to get so upset, but I did. I would like think this reaction was because I was tired, but the truth is that it is more of a testament to J.K. Rowlings and the masterful way she developed this realm.

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