Wednesday, March 21, 2007

History Part - Am I still working on the history?

Sunday came as a much-needed relief – I needed some time away from myself. It was great to go to church and then to my Mom’s. I love spending time with the kids. Abby is at such a cute age – she talks all the time – most of it is still gibberish, but she gets stuck on a word and says it over and over again – today it is Emmy. Emily is in a mood – claiming she never gets any attention – funny she was the kid who had a friend spend the night on Friday – but her life is so tough. And Nick – we watched the beginning of the race together. Good times. Once I got home I decided to send out an email to 15 or so of my friends and acquaintances – all people who have either had my baking or Christmas crap at one time or another. I keep thinking that to really make this work I am going to have to have some regularity of business. So the point of the email was to see what people thought, if they would need things once in while or on a semi – regular basis. I have only gotten a few responses, maybe I need to re-evaluate who I bake for. JK – I do know a couple people are out of town. So what to do now? Monday is the day I scour the internet and paper for any and all possible jobs to apply for. So that pretty much took up my Monday – I did get some responses, and I do need to email people back – but I have just been so bad about that recently.

1 comment:

Brenda said...

mhmm...certifiable. Glad to see you've joined the blogging craze!