Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Family Favorite

This past weekend I had my 10 year old nephew over. Like his sister who came over in January, he also wanted to bake. His choice was an old family favorite, potato chip cookies. No pictures, I forgot to take them, but they turned out great. He did a wonderful job making them. The only thing I did was get out the ingredients and put them away and give a little elbow grease to finish off the blending. The whole scene was a bit of a flash back to when I was that age baking cookies. :)

I don’t know how many of you know have had potato chip cookies, the best way I can think to describe them is to compare them to the hard cookies you get at Chinese restaurants with your fortune cookies. They are kind of like them, but not really. I also was trying to remember how they became a family favorite. I am pretty sure I found them one day when I was trying to find something to make with the ingredients in the house. Evidently we did not have too much around (which was actually a pretty common occurrence) So I was going through my Mom’s old recipe books and found potato chip cookies. I can still tell you which book these came from and consider it one of my favorite books. It is a church book from the 60’s with good old ditch recipes. Anyway I made the cookies and they soon became a favorite. I even remember taking a cooking class as an elective in Jr High and sharing it with them.

1 comment:

Brenda said...

there's nothing like a good-old DITCH recipe! :)