Monday, April 30, 2007


Maybe epiphany is too strong of a word, but I like it, and this latest idea did hit me like a ton of bricks, so I am going to use it. I have been trying to figure out where to go? How to proceed? And of course the biggest question is this at all feasible? I think I have found an answer. This past weekend my sister’s neighborhood had community garage sale. Now before I proceed, let me explain to you that I hate garage sales, no I loath them. My first memory of a garage sale was a few days after my 5th birthday, I had received a new pink big wheel as a gift, and some scary old man tried to buy it out from under me. Through out my childhood, every year my mom participated in the neighborhood sale and I was always required to help out – in fact my Mom would make me stay home from school to run them (it was the only time I dreaded skipping school). They were always painful days when random strangers would try to barter over some 50 cent item.
Ugh… Anyway, my sister’s sale was this weekend and one night laying in bed it hit me, I could sell baked goods at her sale, unfortunately in her neighborhood they have a community bake sale at one of the garages to pay for their neighborhood picnic, so I could not do it then, but it got me thinking on a different path. My thoughts landed me at the Farmers Market. That is exactly what I have been looking for. A place to get my feet wet, experiment with quantities, packing, variety, etc. and start to build a client base. I am still looking to do special orders and fill those occasional needs, but I think this is a great way to start.
This all being said I would like to do a trial run at a garage sale. If any of you, or your friends or family members are planning a sale in a high traffic area, and would be willing to let me set up a table. Please let me know.

1 comment:

Lynn said...

Hi Erinn--
My neighborhood (Ada Woods) is having a garage sale June 1-2 which I am participating in. You are welcome to set up a table. Let me know! (This is Brenda's friend, Lynn, by the can get my phone number, etc. through her)