Monday, February 9, 2009

Wednesday, September 17th - Scenic Cruising

We were scheduled to go scenic cruising in Tracy Arm Fjord from 6:00 am – 10:00 am, but due to the weather we could not go there, it was too foggy. Instead we went to Endicott Arm. The scenic cruising was the only time during the whole cruise that we in climate weather. Shan and I decided to go up on the deck around 7:00 am – thinking that would be more then enough time. We knew it would be cold so we bundled up in many layers and headed up.

Good thing we had all the clothes since it was hailing out.
I can not even begin to tell you how amazing this was. I have tons of pictures, but they just can’t do it justice. I was seeing colors I have never seen before naturally, it was just amazing. Trevor was the naturalist on board and pointed out a few things, but mainly just let everyone take in the scenery.

The water was really green and the ice blue. Here is a picture of some ice- it looks like a snow cone.
This one was a deep blue.

This had more rock in it.

A mixture of rock and ice. A big blue one.
Here is Shannon and I all bundled up on the deck.
Shan is freezing.
Hot Chocolate makes everything better.

Shan is even smiling now.

It was pretty foggy, so we couldn’t see Dawes Glacier all that well. Here are a couple of pictures.
Here are some pictures of the cliffs and more floating ice.

The clouds and the hills

One more blue ice.

These waterfalls were the coolest things. Here is a wide one.

Lots more pictures of the water falls

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